
Holy Moly.. a 1.5kg chicken parmy – do chickens even come that size. This massive tray of protien, carbs and a little salad for good measure is our newest culinary experience. THE PARMAGEDDON… I DARE you… This promotion has led me to ponder a few questions. Is it a parmy or a parma? Is it with ham or without? And what is the fascination with challenges that require you to eat big meals quickly? Who cares? it’s a 1.5kg chicken parmy (note parmy) and you get a chance to have your mug on the BST Parmageddon Legends board… Friday nights ONLY and please book 89886186 Drum roll… the challenge… eat the palmy, chips and salad.. every last bit in under 30 minutes and it’s yours for free.. just a few pesky rules.. actually the Parmageddon 10 Comandments in fact. The Ten Commandments of the BST Parmageddon Challenge 1. Thou shall eat the parmy, chips and salad in thirty minutes or less. 2. Thou shalt not allow anyone else to eat any of your chips, parmy or salad. Thou shalt not hide your food under the table, on others plate, feed to animals, people or any other such devious means 3. Thou shalt not spew, vomit, dribble or hurl during the challenge 4. Thou may dunk your food 5. Thou may drink as much water, beer, soft drink, gravy or anything thou chooses at your own expense 6. Thou may bring supporters / disciples to watch this noble challenge and shall take as many pictures as possible, sharing them to our social media 7. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour???s parmy, get your own (husbands and wives are fair game) 8. Thou are encouraged to enjoy the challenge in good faith and show sportsmanship 9. Thou shalt not leave thy table until your parmy is finished! 10. Thou shall squeeze chicken and present an empty mouth on completion of the challenge Remember you are an athlete, one day this will be an Olympic sport and you may be held in high esteem, much like Lance Armstrong, Steve Smith and Tonya Harding and your name will be immortalised on the Berry Springs Tavern Parmy Board of Fame. Happy Eating.